WebAppBuilder ExtensionWebAppBuilder Extension

This extension enables you to easily deploy results as modern, responsive and interactive web apps defined and driven by a RapidMiner processes

The WebAppBuilder Extension adds the missing piece for deployment

If you like the flexibility of RapidMiner's processes for data preparation and analysis, you can now leverage it for bringing their results to your customers and colleagues. With the WebAppBuilder Extension you can easily deploy results as modern, responsive and interactive web apps defined and driven by RapidMiner processes! It supports the full range of applications in all project phases, from quick prototyping in agile projects to full scale deployment of machine learning in a semi-automated scenario with support for enterprise features like single sign on.

Our Standard Process for Establishing Data Science (SPEDS) addresses many hitches in the whole adoption process of data science in organizations. But whether or not you are following the SPEDS, you probably want to involve domain experts and end users in your project to improve acceptance. The agile development with our WebAppBuilder extension allows you to showcase a preliminary result with nearly no effort by reusing existing RapidMiner processes. This avoids misunderstandings over the project goal and engages users by directly integrating feedback. As you see, the WebAppBuilder is a perfect aid to support this approach to increase the end user involvement and make the work of data scientist hugely satisfying.

And the best: It's simply RapidMiner. No need for learning another tool, setting up another software. Just a RapidMiner AI Hub, your Studio and this extension will do.

For more details please visit our website.

Product Details

Version 1.3.1
File size 11 MB
Downloads 3003 (0 Today)3003 downloads
Vendor Old World Computing
Category User Interface
Released 1/15/21
Last Update 1/15/21 9:31 AM
License Vendor License
Product web site https://oldworldcomputing.com/en/webappbuilder-extension/
Rating 5.0 stars(1)