RapidMiner RadoopRapidMiner Radoop Supported

RapidMiner Radoop is a code-free environment for designing advanced analytic processes that push computations down to your Hadoop cluster. You need a specific license to use this product.

RapidMiner Radoop is a code-free environment for designing advanced analytic processes that push computations down to your Hadoop cluster. You get access the basic capabilities for free, but can also get more functionality and support with the paid version. Look here for more information on the difference between the free and paid for products (https://altair.com/altair-rapidminer/)

RapidMiner Radoop extends predictive analytics to Hadoop and strongly supports Hadoop security implementations, all while delivering a seamlessly experience. It translates the predictive analytics workflows you design in RapidMiner Studio into the language of Hadoop. The product speaks native HDFS, Hive, Yarn and Spark ensuring that each step in the predictive analytics process is correctly integrated and executed across core Big Data technologies. This lets you focus on developing competitive analytics, rather than on programming Hadoop.

Radoop also gives you flexibility, letting you incorporate your favorite SparkR, PySpark and HiveQL scripts within your predictive analytics workflows.

Product Details

Version 11.0.0
File size 125 MB
Downloads 180275 (5 Today)180275 downloads
Vendor RapidMiner
Category Operators
Released 12/9/24
Last Update 12/9/24 11:51 AM
License RM_EULA
Product web site https://docs.rapidminer.com/latest/radoop/index.html
Rating 0.0 stars(0)


licence key required

Pawan Kumar Singh, 11/8/23 7:49 AM
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