Spreadsheet Table ExtractionSpreadsheet Table Extraction

This extension provides operators to extract data tables from online spreadsheet applications and convert them to RapidMiner exampleset(s). Currently, it provides two operators to retrieve data tables from Google Spreadsheets, which uses Google Sheets API and Microsoft Excel Online, which uses Microsoft Graph API.

This extension provides operators to extract data tables from online spreadsheet applications and convert them to RapidMiner exampleset(s). Currently, it provides two operators to retrieve data tables from Google Spreadsheets, which uses Google Sheets API and Microsoft Excel Online, which uses Microsoft Graph API.

Product Details

Version 0.2.4
File size 4.4 MB
Downloads 11398 (30 Today)11398 downloads
Vendor RapidMiner Labs
Category Data Sources and Formats
Released 2/12/19
Last Update 2/12/19 12:39 PM
License AGPL
Product web site http://ds4dm.de/
Rating 0.0 stars(0)