Animated PlotsAnimated Plots

Do you want to plot datasets to HTML5 chart png images and create a GIF from these images? Check this extension with two operators for just the tasks described. Simply use your Studio chart config to create beautiful animated plots.

Plot datasets by renderering the HTML5 chart visulatization as an image. Store  the images or create a GIF from them. Try this extension with two operators for just the tasks described. Simply use your Studio chart config to create beautiful animated plots. Example process is available.

Power-feature: use macros in your individualized JSON chart configuration.


  • Configurable plotting image size
  • Configure static y axis min/max values
  • Plot ExampleSet using default plotting
  • Plot ExampleSet using visualization configuration for the ExampleSet
  • Plot ExampleSet using JSON configuration created in the visualization
  • Store resulting plot image in the new Repository
  • Create an animated GIF from a collection of images
  • Configureable images/second
  • Configure looping GIF
  • Store resulting GIF in the new Repository
  • Alter JSON configuration, place macro where a configurable value is required and set the macro in the process before loading the configuration; example: customizable titles
  • View resulting image or gif in the RapidMiner Results


  • Do not use in parallel execution

[Unsupported Extension Notice] - The Animated Plots extension is not officially supported by Altair RapidMiner. While we're always improving and updating our offerings, we can't guarantee any help or fixes for this extension.

Product Details

Version 10.0.0
File size 75 kB
Downloads 12478 (8 Today)12478 downloads
Vendor RapidMiner Labs
Category Operators
Released 11/25/22
Last Update 11/25/22 3:45 PM
License AGPL
Product web site
Rating 0.0 stars(0)