Image ProcessingImage Processing

Extension for standard image processing and analytics including object detection and text extraction (OCR).

This extension provides capabilities for standard and advanced image processing and analytics, such as:

Image Data Ingestion

  • Files (png, jpg, bmp...)
  • Webcam
  • IPCamera (experimental!)

Image Data Processing

Operators to do standard transformations like translating, rotating or croping of images.

Advanced Image Analytics

  • Detect Objects in images using deep neural networks like YOLO
  • Extract Text from images via Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
  • Align an image to a template

This extension is based on OpenCV for most of it's operations.

Change Log

Changes in 0.4.0

  • Changed the storage format of larger images to make it compatible with RM 10.3. This can create the issue that larger images which are written in 10.2 cannot be loaded in 10.3.
  • Made the max pixels in rendering a configurable. Its set to 800 by default
  • Read Image Model is now actually working for DARKNET *
  • Moving to openpnp's opencv packages instead of bytedeco. This allows this extension to run on more hardware. Most importantly ARM.
  • Deprecated all model operators (Load Model, Load Model from Zoo, Detect Objects).

Version 0.2.2

  • Added a new Operator Generate Pixel Aggregation of two images to aggregate on a pixel to pixel level.
  • Added a new Operator Detect Lines to detect lines in Images

Product Details

Version 0.4.0
File size 111 MB
Downloads 4638 (6 Today)4638 downloads
Vendor RapidMiner Labs
Released 11/28/23
Last Update 11/28/23 4:28 PM
License AGPL
Product web site
Rating 0.0 stars(0)