ND4J Back EndND4J Back End

This extension provides various computational back ends, that can be used for numerical calculations. It includes settings for out-of-JVM memory usage, and provides simple tensor handling capabilities as currently needed by the Deep Learning and Image handling Extentions.

[Unsupported Extension Notice] - The NDJ4 Back End  extension is not officially supported by Altair RapidMiner. While we're always improving and updating our offerings, we can't guarantee any help or fixes for this extension.


This extension provides various computational back ends, that can be used for numerical calculations. It includes settings for out-of-JVM memory usage, and provides simple tensor handling capabilities as currently needed by the Deep Learning and Image handling Extentions.

Currently supported back ends:
- CPU using OpenBlas (version 0.3.13-1.5.5)
- CPU using Intel's MKL (version: 2021.1-1.5.5, external installation of MKL necessary)
- GPU using Nvidia's CUDA (supported CUDA version: 11.2, supported cuDNN version: 8.1, external installation of CUDA and optional cuDNN necessary)

This extension is based on the ND4J library in version DL4J-M1.1

Product Details

Version 1.2.1
File size 1.3 GB
Downloads 54195 (37 Today)54195 downloads
Vendor RapidMiner Labs
Category Libraries
Released 12/17/24
Last Update 12/17/24 2:12 PM
License RM_EULA
Product web site www.rapidminer.com
Rating 0.0 stars(0)