InDatabase ExtensionInDatabase Extension

This extension facilitates database tasks with RapidMiner: Build database queries using the extension's 14 query-building operators or write your own SQL code. Further features include transaction safety and autogenerated IDs.

This extension for RapidMiner makes working with relational databases a piece of cake – but that's not all: it brings transaction safety to the data science tool. The included operators are based on established database query languages, without requiring specialist knowledge.

Moreover, tasks concerning relational databases is fundamentally simplified by returning autogenerated IDs which can in processed directly in RapidMiner in the following process.

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Product Details

Version 2.5.2
File size 33 MB
Downloads 2739 (0 Today)2739 downloads
Vendor Old World Computing
Category Operators
Released 11/26/20
Last Update 11/26/20 4:29 PM
License Vendor License
Product web site
Rating 0.0 stars(0)