RapidMiner Finance and Economics ExtensionRapidMiner Finance and Economics Extension

The Finance and Economics Extension for RapidMiner gives you quick and easy access to over 150,000 finance and economic time series data sets and more. You can also transform and analyze the data using various financial operators included in the the operator set. Integrate stock, index and other time series easily into your RapidMiner workflow.


The Finance and Economics Extension for RapidMiner gives you quick and easy access to over 150,000 finance and economic time series data sets and more. 

Integrate to your Bloomberg terminal or use other included operators to access stock, bond, index, curreny  and other financial and economic  time series data. In addition to Bloomberg access we also provide operators that directly access the entire US finance and economic data archive (FRED), the World Bank, EuroStat, and other providers of data including stock price data.

You can also transform and analyze  the data using various  financial operators included in the the operator set. Transformation operators are also include to calculate returns, rebase time series, calculate lagging returns (momentum), indexing, ranking, replace missing values, winzorize data and more.

For more advanced users a backtester is also included to allow one to backtest various financial models and signals. 

Refer to the broadreachanalytics.com website for more details and examples.




Product Details

Version 1.0.6
File size 9.7 MB
Downloads 48272 (14 Today)48272 downloads
Vendor BroadReach Analytics
Category Operators
Released 4/11/14
Last Update 4/11/14 2:33 PM
License AGPL
Product web site http://www.broadreachanalytics.com/
Rating 5.0 stars(3)


Excellent extension. Easiest way to connect to a host of economic data.

adinsmo, 10/2/13 4:39 PM
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