PMML ExtensionPMML Extension Supported

The PMML Extension adds a new operator for writing models into the PMML standard. PMML is a standard for statistical and data mining models and supported by many vendors and organizations.

The PMML Extension adds a new operator for writing models into the PMML standard. PMML is the leading standard for statistical and data mining models and supported by over 20 vendors and organizations.

Beside the compatibility of data mining models, the applicability of models direct in database systems on large amounts of data is one of the major benefits of this extension. With the new PMML Extension, the deployment of data mining models become much easier.

Product Details

Version 10.0.0
File size 58 kB
Downloads 23804 (37 Today)23804 downloads
Vendor RapidMiner
Category Data Sources and Formats
Released 11/3/22
Last Update 11/3/22 10:57 AM
License RM_EULA
Product web site
Rating 0.0 stars(0)