Tableau Table WriterTableau Table Writer Supported

Export your data to Tableau.

The Tableau Table Writer allows to export your data to Tableau Data Extract (.tde or .hyper) files.

Note: Before being able to use the Tableau Table Writer extension the Tableau SDK (for Tableau 10.4 and earlier) or Tableau Data Extract API 2.0 (for Tableau 10.5 or above) needs to be installed on your machine. Please consult on how to setup the extension.

Product Details

Version 9.7.0
File size 1.6 MB
Downloads 17698 (0 Today)17698 downloads
Vendor RapidMiner
Category Data Sources and Formats
Released 6/4/20
Last Update 6/4/20 1:14 PM
License RM_EULA
Product web site
Rating 0.0 stars(0)


I have the same problem as Imaruping!

Grace, 4/4/17 9:43 AM

Hi I have attemped to install the Tableau Table Writer and utilize the Extract API on two machines now. Is it possible that Rapidminer could help troubleshoot e.g. in at installation material. Best Regards Emil

emilhassing, 6/8/16 3:28 PM

The instructions for how to install and use this are rather vague. Instructions for Tableau Data Extact API say to include path for dll in "Advanced System Settings" -> "Environment Variables". But there is no such option in Rapid Miner 7.

lmaruping, 2/17/16 10:29 PM
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