RapidMiner Cryptography ExtensionRapidMiner Cryptography Extension

Unleash the full power of cryptography directly from within RapidMiner!

With its operators for password-based file and document encryption and decryption this extension unleashes the full power of cryptography directly from within RapidMiner! It uses strong cryptography algorithms like e.g. AES256 provided by the Bouncy Castle Crypto APIs (https://www.bouncycastle.org/) to secure file and document content.

In particular it adds these four new operators:

  • Encrypt File (Password)
  • Decrypt File (Password)
  • Encrypt Document (Password)
  • Decrypt Document (Password)


Since version 1.1.0 the extension also adds hash functions and hash value matcher functions to the Generate Attributes operator.


For more information visit: 


Product Details

Version 1.1.0
File size 51 kB
Downloads 4083 (0 Today)4083 downloads
Vendor Nils Wöhler
Category Operators
Released 11/14/14
Last Update 11/14/14 6:44 PM
License AGPL
Product web site http://ncwoehler.github.io/rapidminer-extension-cryptography
Rating 0.0 stars(0)