Parallel Processing ExtensionParallel Processing Extension

Note: This extension is no longer supported as of RapidMiner Studio 7.2! The Parallel Processing Extension adds new versions of some RapidMiner operators to your data mining system which will perform their tasks in parallel. With this extension you can easily improve the execution speed of many analysis processes by performing sub-processes and sub-tasks in parallel on a multi-core machine.

The Parallel Processing Extension add new versions of many RapidMiner operator to your data mining system which will perform its task in parallel. With this extension you can easily improve the execution speed of many analysis processes by performing sub-processes and sub-tasks in parallel on a multi-core machine.

Beside operators like cross validation or feature selection, the extension also adds a new mode for the complete analysis process where parallel paths of the process will be performed in parallel as well.

Product Details

Version 5.3.0
File size 70 kB
Downloads 38567 (6 Today)38567 downloads
Vendor RapidMiner Labs
Category Operators
Released 1/23/13
Last Update 1/23/13 9:16 AM
License AGPL
Product web site
Rating 0.0 stars(0)


Why did you discontinue that extension? This would be very handy to me right now.

tmothes, 1/30/17 5:34 AM
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