Series ExtensionSeries Extension

This extension provides operators for processing time series and includes a variety of preprocessing steps as well as various methods for extracting features from value series.

This extension provides operators for processing time series. It includes a huge variety of preprocessing steps for time series data including windowing, moving average, exponential smoothing, transformations such as Wavelet and Fourier Transformation as well as various methods for extracting features from value series.


Product Details

Version 7.4.0
File size 459 kB
Downloads 133564 (40 Today)133564 downloads
Vendor RapidMiner Labs
Category Operators
Released 2/13/17
Last Update 2/13/17 2:35 PM
License AGPL
Product web site
Rating 5.0 stars(1)



think60, 1/8/15 4:53 PM

Wo gibt es hier einen Button "Download" für Series Extension?

kaiser31, 1/23/14 4:48 PM
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