Text Analysis by AYLIENText Analysis by AYLIEN

Bring the smarts of Natural Language Processing and Text Analysis to your RapidMiner process with Text Analysis by AYLIEN.

Text Analysis by AYLIEN lets you easily Analyze and extract insight from text. Effortlessly mine textual data; news articles, social comments, tweets and reviews all from within RapidMiner.

Put structure on your unstructured data sources with the following functions:

Sentiment Analysis: 

- Document-level Sentiment Analysis: Determine the overall sentiment of a piece of text or document, works great on articles, blogs, reviews and social comments

- Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis: Extract specific aspects from a piece of text and determine the sentiment towards each aspect individually. Using domain specific models you can predict not just the sentiment of a review or comment but the positive and negative aspects present in the text (domain specific models include: Airlines, Restaurants, Automotives and Hotels)

Keyword, Entity and Concept Extraction:

- Identify and extract mentions of People, Places, Organizations, Monetary values, Percentage values

Classification by Taxonomy:

- Categorize text based on industry standard taxonomies (IAB and IPTC).

Article Extraction

- Remove clutter—such as site navigation or ads—by extracting only the main text of a webpage in order to get accurate results in your text analysis

Language Detection

- Detect the language of any text or URL

Text Analysis by AYLIEN supports both raw text and URLs as inputs and provides effortless access to proven NLP and Text Mining algorithms and models.

You’ll need an AYLIEN Text Analysis API key to use the extension. Grab your API key and make, up to 1,000 calls per day free. 

Tutorials and sample use cases:  

- Getting Started with Text Analysis by AYLIEN: A simple getting started tutorial .

- Sentiment Analysis and Categorization of tweets: uses  the Search Twitter operator to retrieve tweets, analyzes the  sentiment, extracts the top level category, and outputs the  results.

- Article/Blog Analysis: retrieves an RSS feed, extracts  the stories, categorizes them, extracts their entities, and  outputs the results.

You can read more about AYLIEN's plans and pricing here.

Product Details

Version 0.2.0
File size 6.2 MB
Downloads 121182 (2 Today)121182 downloads
Vendor aylien
Category Libraries
Released 8/2/16
Last Update 8/2/16 2:22 PM
License AGPL
Product web site http://aylien.com
Rating 0.0 stars(0)