Hive ConnectorHive Connector Supported

The Hive Connector Extension provides an operator to pull data from Apache Hive.

This extension can be used to read data from Apache Hive tables and it is compatible with all major Hadoop distributions. It also supports the Apache Knox gateway.

It can read data from Hive into RapidMiner memory for further data processing. This operator is useful for pulling smaller data sets into memory or taking a sample from a large Hive table. For distributed, push-down Big Data processing on Hadoop, the RapidMiner Radoop product should be used instead. Please note that only RapidMiner Radoop supports connection to a cluster secured by Kerberos.

Product Details

Version 9.6.0
File size 43 MB
Downloads 13492 (12 Today)13492 downloads
Vendor RapidMiner
Category Data Sources and Formats
Released 10/8/20
Last Update 10/8/20 2:13 PM
License RM_EULA
Product web site
Rating 0.0 stars(0)