IoT ConnectorIoT Connector Supported

IoT Connector Extension provides the Altair IoT Studio connection type to allow users to retrieve information for their IoT setup through the provided operators.

IoT Connector Extension is aimed to grant Altair IoT Studio users the capacity to use the properties and measures their IoT things take and store in anythingDB to create their own models and ML processes.

It allows creating specific connections to Altair IoT Studio with enough permissions to retrieve things data, objects from object storage and push models to Edge Apps.

It also provides the Get Data operator to get information for especific or categorized things within a time frame, providing data to be used as source for AI/ML processes that can be pushed to be scored directly on the Edge machines. 

Product Details

Version 1.2.1
File size 1.2 MB
Downloads 2808 (1 Today)2808 downloads
Vendor RapidMiner
Category Data Sources and Formats
Released 7/19/24
Last Update 7/19/24 5:47 AM
License RM_EULA
Product web site
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