Altair ComposeAltair Compose

The Altair Compose extension integrates AI studio for ML/AI enthusiasts to perform a wide variety of math operations including linear algebra and matrix manipulations, statistics, differential equations, signal processing, control systems, polynomial fitting, optimization and perform engineering calculations on first principles with pre- and post-process data to import and manipulate data for physical testing and CAE.

Altair Compose is an environment for doing math calculations, manipulating and visualizing data, programming, and debugging scripts. It is useful for repeated computations and process automation. Altair Compose allows users to perform a wide variety of math operations including linear algebra and matrix manipulations, statistics, differential equations, signal processing, control systems, polynomial fitting, and optimization. At the same time, it has the ability to easily import, visualize, and manipulate data for physical testing and CAE like FEA, CFD, electromagnetics, multibody, and more by using built-in CAE Data Readers. 

The Altair Compose extension for AI Studio provides 7 operators: Execute Compose, a CAE Readers group of operators, which include - Get Metadata, Get Requests, Get Components, Get Timesteps, Read CAE, Read CAE with Parameters. These operators lets you seamlessly execute Compose OML within an AI Studio process. It can be downloaded from the Altair AI Studio marketplace. 

1. Altair Compose 2024 or above installed and licensed. You can download it from
2. Custom operators >= 1.2.1

Product Details

Version 1.0.1
File size 131 kB
Downloads 2151 (5 Today)2151 downloads
Vendor RapidMiner Labs
Category Libraries
Released 7/9/24
Last Update 7/9/24 7:46 AM
License RM_EULA
Product web site
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