OPC-UA ConnectorOPC-UA Connector

OPC-UA Connector Extension: This extensions provides a connection object and operators to read data from an OPC-UA server.

[Unsupported Extension Notice] - The OPC-UA Connector extension is not officially supported by Altair RapidMiner. While we're always improving and updating our offerings, we can't guarantee any help or fixes for this extension.


The OPC-UA Connector Extension connects RapidMiner with an OPC-UA server, allowing easy access to machine and sensor data.

The OPC-UA connector utilizes the Eclipse Milo implementation of the OPC-UA specification (version 1.03).

The extension provides a new connection object that stores and validates the connection to an OPC-UA server endpoint.

The extension also adds three new operators to RapidMiner:


Browse Nodes

Returns a list of all nodes connected to a node ID. This can help to identify all sensors linked to an asset.


Can collect new incoming data points from a node for a given period of time.

Read OPC-UA History

Can collect stored data points from a node with the "History Read" property. It's possible to specify the exact time period for the collected data point and also to state an interval to sample only a subset of the recored values.

Product Details

Version 0.2.1
File size 15 MB
Downloads 3972 (8 Today)3972 downloads
Vendor RapidMiner Labs
Category Data Sources and Formats
Released 2/11/22
Last Update 2/11/22 5:15 PM
License AGPL
Product web site www.rapidminer.com
Rating 0.0 stars(0)