Category: Domain specific operators

Algorithms and operators that are intended to be used in specific application domains or use cases.

This extension provides a simple mechanism to extract part-of-speech and named-entity-recognition tags from text.

Digital Signal Processing
An extension providing the ability to do Digital Signal Processing.

Geometry and geographic data processing inside RapidMiner.

The HanMiner Extension provides a fast and easy-to-use toolset to perform text processing and mining tasks in Chinese Mandarin (Han language).

MeaningCloud Text Analytics
Integrate MeaningCloud's text analytics into your workflow. Several APIs with classic Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks are included: Topics Extraction, Lemmatization, Classification, Deep Categorization and Sentiment Analysis. We offer 10 languages: full coverage for English, Spanish, French, Italian & Portuguese and partial coverage for Nordic languages, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. Use our customization tools to create custom resources and maximize the accuracy in your text analysis.

The ProM framework and tool set has become the de facto standard for process mining. ProM is a plug-able environment for process mining using MXML, SA-MXML, or XES as input format. Now the ProM framework and the RapidMiner data analysis solution are connected. As such any discovery, conformance, or extension algorithm of ProM can be used within a RapidMiner analysis process or a dedicated process mining analysis can be constructed.

Text Processing
The Text Extension adds all operators necessary for statistical text analysis and Natural Language Processing (NLP). You can load texts from many different data sources, transform them by a huge set of different filtering techniques, and finally analyze your text data.

Web Mining
The Web Mining Extension provides access to internet sources like web pages, RSS feeds, and web services. This can be achieved in various ways, including via operators natively supporting REST-API access (GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE). It is also capable of handling and transforming content from web pages.

Wordnet Extension
The WordNet Extension provides operators to utilize a WordNet database for stemming and detection of related words (synonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, etc.)